Aux Channels

Aux channels serve to communicate beween the automation and the burglar alarm systems.  The burglar alarm is capable of triggering about 20 automations with events. The burglar alarm central can interpret 15 auxiliary channels. Most installers do not know that they are 6 additional ausiliary channels to use for free, they are recognized by the firmware but most of the software ignores the extra sic channels. I am puzzled why they will have such a discrepancy.

An "all-blue" configuration. Command module, L4652/3, with a valid configuration.

Table of configurations to use for Aux=10 to Aux=15

  • 10=OFF 
  • 11=SLA 
  • 12=GEN=||M 
  • 13=GR 
  • 14=AMB=CEN 
  • 15=PUL=AUX 

In the direction from the burglar alarm system to the automation system, the AUX channels are comonly used to trigger e-mail in the web server.  The web server responds only to changes in the first 9 AUX channels.

In the spirit of maximizing the use and the benefits of an existing MyHome installation, I am disclosing six additional auxiliary channels that are not "OFFICIALLY VALIDATED BY BT" in spite of being compatible with the existing hardware ,  and not the software. 

The six "HIDDEN AUX" are implemented using the BLUE configurators for the number as shown in table below:

AUX 10 = OFF

AUX 11 = SLV

AUX 12 =GEN, llM 

AUX 13 = GR



I have tested these configurators to work in places were we normally use the auxiliary channels with the green configurators (1-9). Below is a list of the modules, I have tested to work OK: L4651/2, L4652/2 and L4652/3 A=AUX PL=1-15 L4651/2 A=1-9 PL=1-9 AUX=1-15 L4610, L4612, and L4612/12 Z=1-8 N=1-9 AUX=1-15. I have an early (old) implementation of my home and I have used all the "OFFICIAL" 9 auxiliary channels. 

The existance of 6 new auxiliary channels has been of great help to my installation because, with a very little effort on my part, I use the new hidden channels as events for automations in the Alarm Central (3486) to turn ON lights with the IR sensors and alarm contact interfaces. I am using the regular auxiliary channels from 1-9 to signal the F452V to send an E-mail when they go ON. A hidden auxiliary signal can be generated by pressing a key in one of the command modules listed above, the automation in the alarm central can be used to arm and disarm the alarm system, to partialize a zone, or to execute an open frame command. To my knowledge most of the software from BT does include only AUX values from 1 to 9, but, believed or not, the frames travel in the SCS bus as open frames *9*1*N* and *9*0*N* , for N=1 to 15. 

The hidden auxiliary signals pass transparently by the F422 interfaces and are being seen and interpreted by the alarm central 3486 and may be other models. But the auxiliaries channels, to my knowledge, are not relayed by the gateways like the F452V of possibly the MH200N. 

Here, the is a picture of a "feasible" but "NON OFFICIAL" configuration to test the generation of "secret" AUXs in the SCS bus. I said feasible because the command modules accept the configuration by turning all LEDs green, and glow orange when a key is pressed. You can use the MySweetHome software to see the all the auxiliary channels in the bus, and you can program several automations in the alarm central to use these "free" auxiliary channels. 

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